Confidence is an Inside Job

“Confidence is the most attractive quality a person can have. How can anyone see how great you are if you cant see it yourself?” — KUSHANDWIZDOM Up until my mid 20’s I was terribly self-conscious. I worried all day that everyone was judging me. I tried to armour...

Levelling Up

“If your life just got a little bit harder, that probably means you just levelled up.” The topic of levelling up has been coming at me from all sides lately. I’m talking about reaching a new level in an area of your life, whether it be professional or personal. Think...

5 Tips for Time Management

“There is no such thing as time management; there is only self-management.” — RORY VADEN Many of us feel like there’s NEVER ENOUGH TIME. More responsibilities require more of a balancing act. Work, home, relationships, extracurricular activities and leisure time all...

How To Deal With Toxic People

“Toxic people will pollute everything around them. Don’t hesitate. FUMIGATE!” — MANDY HALE We’ve all experienced a toxic human. This is someone who drains you, leaving you feeling exhausted or shitty about yourself or the situation. I like to call these people ‘Energy...

Expectations = Disappointment

“Expectation is an agreement you make with yourself to suffer unless you get what you want.” — AUBREY MARCUS This is a HUGE topic that impacts us all. You may have heard the phrase, ‘Expectations lead to disappointment’. This really struck me when I first heard it and...

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